Saturday, 10 December 2011

First BLOG

I've never had a blog before and to honest never really understood why anyone would want to?? However I've recently been doing a lot of reading of other peoples blogs especially when looking more into backyard gardening and how to look after our chickens etc and this got me to thinking...I've been trying to keep track of all that's going on in our backyard between animals and vegetables etc I'm loosing track of things, suddenly I could see the value in doing a blog. As much for my own benefit as anyone else who might like to read it.

I'll be writing as often as I can keeping track of anything from what was planted when and what is or isn't growing well to who is sitting on eggs and how many hatched. I have been taking photos of our garden step by step and hope to upload these over the next week. I'm surprised just how quickly the garden is coming along in just 2 months we have gone from a grassed corner of the yard to garden beds with loads of vegetables soon to be ready for the picking.

Thanks for reading

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