Sunday, 2 September 2012

Strawberry Garden - Upcycle Style

Today's blog came about from me chatting on facebook about my making a strawberry wall and a few people asking me questions about it. This reminded me of one of the reasons I was doing this blog to begin with, to share some of the projects of our garden with others.

Last summer we bought 4 strawberry plants, to say they went wild is an understatement we ended up with 40 odd plants!!

This is them after we dug them all up.

So it was time to think of a way to grow them without taking up so much room, remembering that by next season we will have even more plants for next season, so we needed an idea we can repeat as this space will also soon be full. I did some searching and came across strawberry walls made of pallets, they looked great once established and as you know we love to reuse old pallets etc so sounded perfect to me :)

So you take a pallet I picked a nice solid one and we put a board on the back to hold the soil in. You can use weed matting or whatever else you have around to upcycle. 
Close off one end of the pallet with a bit of wood from another pallet, this will stop the soil falling out the bottom. On the top put another bit of wood in place, this is only in place while the wall is laying flat and will be removed later so don't go overboard nailing it on.
Lay the pallet on the ground flat near to where you are planning on putting it once finished as once filled with soil it will be REALLY heavy and hard to move.
Start planting your strawberry plants and give a good watering. 
I watered mine with some seasol to help give them a boost.
The finished product should look something like this. This needs to stay flat for aprox 6weeks to the roots time to get established and hold the soil in place.

In 6 weeks time I should be able to stand my strawberry wall up and remove the wood from the top and either plant more strawberry plants in the top or other plants of choice. 
I'll be sure to update once its established and standing up and hopefully with flowers!


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